Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Apartments and Dogs


I often get this phrase along with/or a judgmental glare when I tell people I own 2 dogs (1 large, 1 medium-sized) in a one bedroom apartment. I usually nod and will rattle off some sarcastic comment, but today I decided to write what I REALLY want to say during these conversations (and sometimes do if time permits). So, here it is!

You have to look at both sides here. Look at people that own houses with dogs. Think about it, your dog isn't going to run laps around the yard constantly, getting all the exercise they need. Here's what usually happens. They are going to go out, pee for a full minute, walk around a little, sniff some flowers, maybe bark at the neighbor's dog through the fence, then come back to the back door and whine until you let them in. Or if weather is actually nice, they may stay out there for the majority of the day (laying in a spot of shade!). My point? Your dog isn't going to exercise itself just because you own a house. They get little to no more exercise than any other dog if you don't initiate it!

I'm not saying I won't ever get a house. I would have one now if I could! But financially, it will have to wait. And there are lots of good dog owners that live in houses and actually take their dogs on walks, play sports with them, take them places, etc. So I totally don't judge people with houses, just don't judge me when in reality, my dogs get more exercise than over half of homeowners with dogs.

And that brings me to my next item of interest. How you CAN have dogs in apartments. My dogs walk and average of 2 miles a day. Sometimes more. Why? I am FORCED to take them out. I have no backyard to just open the door to let them do their business within a fenced area. I make sure that within my schedule, I can take them out multiple times a day. My dogs go to the park, they go hiking, jogging, biking, walking, on fun outings with us, to dog classes/events, do therapy work, agility, and I am even in the process of teaching my youngest dock diving! (Which is a REALLY good form of exercise for high energy dogs!)

My point isn't to brag. And in actuality these activities don't cost like anything, so I don't do it all because I have the money. And quite frankly, not ALL apartment owners will take upon the initiative to do all those activities. But I do! My message I want to get across is, my dogs are living a GREAT life here in our apartment. They become more and more social because I take them places (I have to!). They are fit and healthy!

So while you're on your high horse thinking you're better than everyone because your dog has a little backyard to play in while you sit on your couch and watch TV, I am out on a long walk with my 2 dogs, exposing them to nature and a bunch of new smells wherever we go. And when we come back home they pass out tired and happy. So if you're WILLING to put forth a lot of TIME into making sure your dogs have a quality life, then go for it! But it is not an option for the LAZY.

Thank for reading!