Friday, September 18, 2015

Ziplining in Hawaii!


Aloha! My bad for late posts...just been super busy!!

ZIPLINING IN HAWAII! Absolutely amazing! Now, I know in a lot of my posts I'm like, "This is AMAZING!" like, all the time, but I am the type of person that highlights the best in what we do rather than complain about one little thing that goes wrong. But believe me, not every weekend went perfectly in Hawaii for us. We had rainy days, days where our plans got canceled, days when a swell came to the island the night before and we couldn't do what we planned, etc. But we tried to make the most of our time here. 

If there's one person that makes the absolute MOST of any sort of activity, it's my sister Mary! She's what I call a "Professional Mommy", she has a husband and 2 kids at home and really makes the most out of any situation! When she came here to Hawaii (as a surprise, you can read about that in the Sisters Vacation Blog), she had SO much energy! So when she found out we were also going ziplining as her birthday present, she was ecstatic! My other sister Brittany was pregnant so she could not go with us; she stayed home and took a nap. 

We got up WAY early in the morning in order to make the drive to North Shore. We get there and had time to check in, look around, see their cool dog (that has been ziplining), etc. It happens to be such a small world-we ran into an old church leader Sister Dille, and her husband! They were in our same tour group! And they had done the Spartan race that weekend like we did too! So cool! They are in the video as well as about 8 other random people. 

The tour starts out with a brief safety lecture and a practice line. It was way fun for us, but we also had no idea that the lines that would come later were 10 times better! After the practice line they take you on an awesome ATV ride through the farmland/forest area to the 1st official zipline. The views are incredible! (remember to bring a gopro!) The ATV drive is so you go to the back of the property, then are able to zipline back to the building area. 

The tour guides are very safe, fun, and informative! They make it so your experience is the best! The moment you step off you let gravity take you up to 60mph through this amazing terrain! They have 10 different ziplines and they will tell you which one is the racing line, or the highest line, or the longest, or the one to go backwards...and SPOILER...the last one you go backwards! There were all ages from 8 to 60 and it's fun for everyone! 

Not only do they have ziplines, but they have little ropes course activities (not intense, don't worry!), water stations, and cool bridges! They do take pictures along the way so if you don't have a camera, you have the option of buying those at the end of the tour. 

We went on the earliest (8am) tour and that's what we hear is the best! It's beautiful, the island is just waking up, and it's gorgeous! 

This is the place we toured with
They are the BEST on the island! Pricey yes, but worth it!!  

Pictures are below, as well as the Youtube Video that goes along with it! Aloha!
