Monday, May 11, 2015

East Oahu Beach Hopping in Pink Flamingo Shorts!



Pink Flamingo Shorts? You heard right! So Brad only had 1 pair of swim shorts here in Hawaii so we have been searching for some more at low prices, and that's what we finally found! Pink Shorts with Flamingos on them! It was too good to pass up! (P.S. Brad did some modeling in the video for us!)

SO, another weekend!! This weekend we got up early and took the bus to Makapu'u Beach Park. (You actually look for the bus going to Sea Life Park, and the beach is literally right across the street!)

The view is incredible! You've got the point of Oahu with the lighthouse, the awesome non-crowded beach with strong waves and cool rocky areas, and a view of the 2 islands off the coast-Manana (or rabbit) Island (the bigger one), and Kaohikaipu Island. A lot of people go kayaking to them, but we didn't. Trying to save on money, ya know?

We just stuck on the beach, which was awesome none the less! We went out into the water a little bit but not too far in order to keep from getting stuck out there. Only people who really know what they're doing should go out further. There were good surfers and boogie boarders that obviously were locals. It's always fun to watch them. Even they wipeout occasionally.

Speaking of SURFING, as y'all read in one of my first few blogs, I got a used board and have been learning by myself. I walk with my huge 9.0 ft board to Waikiki Beach at least twice a week and paddle out to where a bunch of surfers are (beginners included), and take on the waves! It can be really frustrating sometimes because it's crowded, there are other boats/canoes taking tourists out, and learning to surf is really hard in general! You paddle out, making your arms tired, then the first thing you want to do is turn around and just catch a wave. But you have to let yourself rest, and try sitting up on the board occasionally. I heard a lot of novice surfers get back pain/problems from laying down on the board for too long. Then, once you finally start paddling to catch a wave, you miss your chance, slip, don't have the right stance and fall, get pummeled by the wave, etc. Not to mention swallowing a whole ton of salty seawater, and then getting pummeled by more waves trying to swim back out! BUT, after all that being said, the feeling of standing up and catching a wave (no matter for how long-even a couple seconds), it makes it all worth it! You just want to get up and stay up forever! So even with all the weird faces I get, I still go out and try! Everyone started from somewhere right? I have been out here a month today, and I have maybe gotten fully up a good 10 times. The rest of the time...wipeouts. It's hard to face all those wipeouts when experienced surfers blaze past you (even on their head!-saw that today!). You just want to be as good as them! I try to not let it get to me. Focus Sarah, just focus. I will keep trying at my OWN pace. Everyone learns differently!

After we explored the beach and took cool video footage, we went back to our bus stop at Sea Life Park, then took another bus to Kailua Beach! This beach is soo pretty, it's no wonder people from here brag about it all the time! We get to the beach and the first thing we see are WINDSURFERS. Tons of them! (Picture below). It was a pretty windy Saturday, so they all wanted to get out there and take advantage of it! But they go so fast and get super high jumps! If we had enough money we would get Brad lessons. He thought it was totally cool.

But instead we stuck around the beach again, and marveled at the very blue, gorgeous ocean with all the windsurfers. I found a rope swing and swung on it a little (picture below), that was fun!

Then, Brad busted out his snorkel gear and snorkeled that area. He didn't see very many fish, but he said the water was so clear and nice, it was a fun experience for him anyways. While he did that I sat on the beach and tanned, (or tried to).

After he was done we walked into town a little, explored a couple shops. Here is the only part where we spent MONEY. That was on lunch. We stopped at Bob's Pizzeria and ate. ($6 a slice), and the slices were a 1/4 of the pizza. So not super expensive, but if you want to save on money, bring your own pb&j or something. We mentioned in the video we also like to get water cups if we go out to eat. It makes it less expensive; we really don't need coke (aka soft drinks/soda). It's also healthy okay!

Then we went back to our bus stop and waited about an hour (while Brad decided to tan HAHA), then took the bus back to Waikiki.

SO we spent 8am-5pm out and about in Hawaii and were pretty tired. Dinner, showers, and bed were what followed. It was such a fun day and we can't wait to see what next weekend has in store!!

See the video here and subscribe to our channel to see new videos every Monday!:


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