Monday, April 20, 2015

Hanauma Bay Snorkeling!



This weekend we got up on Saturday morning ready for a full day of fun together since Saturdays are Brad's day off!

We took the bus to Hanauma Bay (pronounced "Hanah-OOH-MAH")-a popular snorkeling location on the east side of Oahu. After watching the informative saftey video, we made the trek down the side of the slope to the bay, and while I stayed with our stuff on the beach, Brad went out to snorkel!

FYI-Never leave your stuff alone on a beach! Have someone with it, or get a locker. Sometimes the surfer guys in booths are nice enough to let you leave it with them! We haven't had anything stolen because we always follow that protocol.

ANYWAYS, Brad had a blast!! He saw some really cool, colorful, tropical fish as well as a spotted sea snake eel! He took his Iphone in a waterproof case and took videos (LINK AT TOP & BELOW-sorry, no pictures). The water is SO clear and warm! I went out thigh-deep and could see fish! He snorkeled that for about an hour, maybe more and then we chilled on the beach until we were ready to go home. He said it was really fun, and he can't wait to do more. Hopefully on Lanai he will be able to snorkel in a little more secluded spot, it was kind of crowded. But once you get out there, you're having so much fun, it's hard to dwell on all the other tourists there.

On another note, my cousin Leslie had her baby today! His name is Ryan James Alder! It's kind of funny, because my sister named her son Ryan (who is now 2), so we might have to do some sort of nickname system to specify who were are talking to/about. Maybe RJ :) But we are so happy for them; they will be awesome parents!

Here is the link to the Youtube video of us going to Hanauma Bay!

Until next time, Aloha!

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