Friday, October 23, 2015

Shark Cage!


SHARK CAGE! An experience of a lifetime; bragging rights; and a unique adrenalin rush!!

It all started at 3:30am when we had to wake up. Our cousins Jack and Shane were here with us, and this was their last activity before heading back to Utah. We needed to get to North Shore from Waikiki by like 5:30am. So waking up...add on walking to where our rental car was (car share program), driving all the way to North Shore, then waiting to get on the boat. Jack and Shane slept in the car while I drove, and we finally were all woken up by the time the boat was in motion!

Apparently we went on a really good day. It had been raining all week (ruining half of my cousins' vacation), but it finally was sunny and the ocean was calm. Well, calmer than what it had been. When the boat stopped about 10 minutes out into the ocean, it rocked back and forth to where many people got seasick.

We had split up into 3 groups, and we were part of the 2nd group to go. The minute the boat had anchored, sharks already were appearing. Years and years ago the tradition of shrimp boats coming out to where these Galapagos Sharks are stuck, and now every time a boat comes out there, Sharks flock to it; thinking we are shrimp fishers. It was so cool seeing them come to the surface!

FINALLY we get in the cage! It was already lowered into the water, so all we had to do was climb in with our snorkel gear on, and look down. It was SUCH a cool feeling!! The sharks were so close! Many times it was possible you could reach out and touch them, but probably not a good idea. It was a little rocky, and it was difficult to shove yourself down to the bottom of the cage, but we managed to do so and have a great time!! The water wasn't even cold! These majestic sharks swam past us and we just awed in disbelief. We got a ton of cool footage which you can see in our video.

There were also teeny tiny jellyfish things, that looked like little clear ribbons floating everywhere. I got "stung" twice, it just feels like a little pinch or shock and lasts for maybe 10 minutes. I think we got around 20 minutes cage time, then it was the last groups' turn. I wasn't ready to get out. We were having so much fun!! But everything has an end.

Once we got out, THAT'S when the seasickness hit me. Shane puked overboard...but i just sat in misery until we drove back to shore. I never vomited, but I sure felt like it!

But seasickness aside, Shark Cage was AMAZING!!! Only in Hawaii man! We toured with North Shore Shark Adventures-they are super easy to look up online. It can get pricey; luckily one of my military friends got us discounted tickets. Woo! I was so glad we did this!

It was also our last major activity in Hawaii as well. We moved back to Idaho the next week; so we went out with a BANG I guess.

For anyone keeping up with these blogs, it is very difficult for me to write all the time. I know, once a week shouldn't be that bad...but it adds up after a while. SO, as for as our IDAHO Adventures go, we are just going to stick with Youtube Videos for now. Maybe I will blog occasionally. But I do have a full time job, Brad is back in school, and because of our schedules, we hardly ever see each other and are able to do fun activities. Small things here and there, but not too often.

Thanks for keeping up with these blogs! My plan is to right occasionally about random fun things we do and even things I have on my mind and just want to write about whether it's my job as a vet tech, a churchy topic, our lives, etc.

SUBSCRIBE to our Youtube channel to see upcoming adventures and watch our Shark Cage video below!



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