Sunday, May 10, 2015

Cliff Jumping at Kapena Falls, Chinatown, and Spam Jam!!




Wow!!! Hawaii is so beautiful I wish my friends and family from back in the MAINLAND could see. (Mainland is basically the United States minus Hawaii because we are tiny islands not on the...mainland)

ANYWAYS, I am late on writing this...this little excursion we did was actually 2 weekends ago...SORRY! 

Of course this whole day was free! FREE I TELL YOU!! In Hawaii I might add.


So we took the city bus on a Saturday morning and this may sound weird...but you take it to the Nuuanuu Memorial Park and Mortuary. Yes, a cemetary. That's where you go. You walk in the cemetary and follow the winding paved road all the way down (it's like 5 minutes), and you'll see a parking lot at the end. Behind that parking lot is a stream/trail. And there you are! 

You follow the little trail along the stream for another 5-10 minutes and you get to Kapena Falls!! It's a fun little hike where you can be as safe or adventurous as you like! We liked to jump rock to rock along the stream and try hanging on the vines, but you have the option to stay on the trail the whole time too! 

You get the the "falls" (you will know when you get there-there's a tall jump spot. If you go any further you will go under the highway). But you have the option of going further (which we didn't), or staying there to have fun! 

We went to the top of the jump spot and after a bit of collaboration and testing the water, Brad jumped, then I did. The feeling is exhilarating! I would say it's like 2 stories high. It feels like forever though! 

CAUTION: So when we initially came to the jump spot, there was a memorial there for someone who had drowned last year. And flowers that people had put there. We were a little scared, but jumped anyways since we had seen videos of other people do it. (Maybe a stupid move to some people...but we kinda live on the edge haha). But then other people started to show up and put more gifts/flowers next to this memorial, and after talking to them we found out it was the boy who had drowned's family. The day we went would have been his 18th birthday. :( His mom said that they do not care if people continue to jump off this location, but warn you to be careful. It felt kind of weird o us, so we left shortly after that. Just an FYI if you do go. 

If you are scared to do the high jump there are some lower areas to kind of jump off of, just try to aim for the deeper areas would be my suggestion. 

It was a FUN hike/time though we had a blast! BE SURE TO BRING BUG SPRAY though-Brad got eaten alive by mosquitoes. I got some bites, but not nearly enough as he did.  


After Kapena Falls we took the bus back into the city, but took a little detour. We stopped in Chinatown!! We got to walk around, take video/pictures, and see all the interesting meats/fish/fruits/vegetables that they had to offer. 

Now, when it comes to food, I WILL try new foods, but it's not the highlight of my trip ever,'s food. You eat it, and that's it. I mean, it's cool to try new foods, but I like DOING things, and going PLACES. But everyone is entitled to their own opinions. 

On that note, things weren't terribly expensive, but we didn't eat anything there. We opted for fast food later. (Not included when I said everything was free). But it was fun to walk around and see everything. Especially all the seafood. Fish, shrimp, snails, etc. They have them live there before they get chopped up and eaten. 


 Then after Chinatown we went home to change/get refreshed and headed back out again! Why? Because every year Wakiki hosts SPAM JAM! Basically a huge block party thrown in honor of Hawaii's famous food-Spam. We like it alright :) 

We just walked around Spam Jam as well, not spending any money. There are plenty of souvenirs and food stuffs to buy, but we didn't get anything. They had 2 stages set up on either side of the block-so 2 different concerts going on at the same time. They had hula dancers and local bands playing the entire day which was cool. No charge for that. 

We also took a picture with the SPAM WAVE-someone had built an ocean wave out of spam cans and anyone can go take a picture with it. I'll post a picture below. 

ANYWAYS all of this was done in a single day! (Plus going to our church potluck in between!) So by the end of the day we were tired and happy! 

Another day accomplished in our adventure in Hawaii!!

Here's our video of us going to Kapena Falls!

And a second video of us going to Chinatown and Spam Jam!


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