Monday, May 18, 2015

Maunawili Falls Cliff Jumping!


Definitely the funnest thing we have done in Hawaii SO FAR!

So before I start on the hike and such, I wanted to bring up that I started working grave shift at my work last week. 12 hour shifts!! And on Friday-Saturday I had a 13 hour shift from 7pm-8am!

Yea, so if you think you'd be tired after that, think about not going home and sleeping...but going straight out again, renting mopeds, and riding through the jungle/mountains of Hawaii to get to a 3 mile hike to a beautiful waterfall and go cliff jumping! Because that's what I did! Really, I forgot about being sleepy until the evening, but I wanted to blow up the fact that I went a full 24 hours without sleep. Bam.

Anyways, let's start with the mopeds. Usually we take the bus everywhere in Hawaii (as you have seen/read on our previous adventures), but for Maunawili Falls (near Kaneohe), we would have to transfer buses and walk a ways to get there. So we decided to rent mopeds for the day!

It worked out really well because the rental place is right down the street from us (the joys of living in Waikiki). At first I wanted to rent a 2 person scooter, but you need a motorcycle license for that. Brad wants one of those eventually haha. But we got 2 single seater mopeds (ONLY COST WE HAD TODAY-$25 each moped for 24 hours) and that was fine! I don't have much experience with mopeds/dirt bikes/motorcycles, so I was pretty nervous. You wouldn't think that something like this would make you nervous, but it does! You're on the streets of Waikiki on...a motorized bike. Any slight wrong move could be fatal. So if you do plan to rent mopeds, make sure you are nice and comfortable before actually leaving the rental place. The manager saw me ease slowly into it and said "Oh yea! She will be just fine!" Because he sees a lot of people jerk really fast at first and have no idea what they are doing.

We started out on our journey and made our way towards Kaneohe (you can't take any of the H highways on mopeds...H1, H2, H3...). We stopped at Kaneohe Beach to take a cool picture of us with our mopeds, then made our way to Maunawili Falls. Taking a moped is so much better than a car because you are actually way more aware of your surroundings-which are jungle coated mountains and the clear blue ocean! It is incredible!

We get to the falls and lock our mopeds to each other, as well as our helmets, and started the hike! Make sure to wear tennis shoes/water shoes because it gets muddy and you have to cross the stream a couple times. Bug spray is a good idea too. We didn't bring any and were lucky enough to not get bitten, but I would bring some if I went again.

It's about a 3 mile hike, (easy-moderate), and the views are spectacular! In the video we said it reminds us of movies like Jurassic Park, Jungle Book, and the jungle scene in Lion King. It feels straight out of a dream!

We finally get to the falls, there were a lot of tourists there. (We kinda asked for it, getting there around noon and on a Saturday). But it was so much fun! There's 3 spots you can jump off of. One is the short jump right next to the falls, another is the high one on the left which Brad did (after looking down for 2 minutes).

And the third one we both did, which was the most dangerous of all BECAUSE to get there you have to climb up and around the falls, climb up a sketchy vine VERTICALLY, up slippery rocks and moss, then walk over and climb down a sketchy rope (which is in the video), THEN jump from a high jump. It was crazy! But worth it!

And some people there were nice enough to take videos of us :)

So this hike/cliff jump was awesome!! After that...was not so awesome...

We ride back into town on our mopeds, right? (mine had been acting kind of weird-saying he gas was empty when we knew it wasn't because Brad's was at the same level) But when we get into Waikiki, it dies! Wouldn't kick start or anything. We had to push our mopeds around for about an HOUR, tired, getting sunburnt, and they were so heavy! Locals would come up to us and ask us if we needed directions, then they would lead us the wrong way! There were no gas stations where they said they were! Eventually we finally found one, and after we filled up it did just fine. But by that time we got stuck in rush hour traffic, were too late to return the mopeds, so we had to drive back to our apt and lock them in front until morning. We were SO hungry since we skipped lunch, and I was EXHAUSTED from being up over 24 hours, I crashed on the bed in 2 minutes, and my sweet Brad went out to get food to bring home.

What a crazy day!!! Yolo right? Haha but we enjoyed it, and it's such a cool story to look back on later!! Plus we have video and pictures to remember!

Thanks for always keeping up with us!! Aloha!

Here's the video of our adventure to Maunawili Falls:

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